About Ross

About Ross Weisman

Ross a Weisman is a comedian, writer, and media producer. He currently hosts two podcasts: Kidflix and Just the Jew of Us. Kidflix has been featured for the past two years in the Philly Podcast Festival, and Just the Jew of Us has been written up in Philadelphia’s Jewish Exponent. As a comedian, Ross was featured in Washington D.C.’s District Queer Comedy Festival.

Ross graduated from Temple University, where he studied media production and creative writing. While in school, he was a writer, director, and performer two student-run comedy TV shows: Temple Smash and Temple Tonight. He won several accolades from the Media Studies & Production department, most notably his short informational podcast being named “Best Long-Form Audio” for the 2017-2018 year. He also co-created a 20-minute documentary about comfort objects and the psychology behind them.

With Keep You Posted, he’s eager to learn more about the news, be better informed, and be empowered to make a change.

Instagram: @misterweisman

Twitter: @misterweisman

For booking/inquiries: rossmweisman@gmail.com